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Unboxing and Setup Cables - Yavia


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In this first lesson, you will go through the process of unboxing your computer on module and carrier board and assembling the hardware.

A block diagram of the system setup and its connections is presented below for reference.

  • System setup block diagram

    System setup block diagram


List of required items
HDMI display/monitor
Accessory kit :
  - 12V 30W power supply
  - USB type C to type A cable
  - Ethernet cable
  - USB keyboard and mouse
List of recommended items
Verdin heatsink

A headless setup is possible, though in the Quickstart Guide we will always assume that you have a recommended display attached to the carrier board. If you proceed without a display, skip the lessons that make use of it at your own discretion. As an option, you can follow the Torizon Documentation - just be aware you will not find a walkthrough as thorough as this guide.

Note: Carefully read this module's cover page clicking on "Module 1: Unboxing and Bring-up" on the left menu bar before starting this lesson.

Step 1

Remove the Yavia and the Verdin Computer on Module from the blisters. Insert the computer on module into the X1 connector of the carrier board as tight as possible, with the module inclined ~30 to 45 degrees in relation to the carrier board.

  • Connecting the computer on module to the Yavia

    Connecting the computer on module to the Yavia

Warning: Make sure that the module is well connected to the carrier board. The image below has some checkpoints highlighted.

  • Computer on Module connected to the Yavia

    Computer on Module connected to the Yavia

Step 2

  • Connect an HDMI display to the Yavia’s HDMI2 (J16) connector.
  • Connect a USB keyboard/mouse to the Yavia’s USB 2.0 Host (J8) and/or USB 3.x Host (J9) connector(s).
  • Connect the Ethernet cable to the Yavia’s GBIT ETH (J21) connector.
  • Connect the USB Debug cable to the Yavia’s DEBUG (J5) connector.
  • Do not connect the power supply just yet.

Note: The network shall be capable of providing the module with an IP address (via DHCP) and internet access.

Warning: Double-check that your power supply output voltage is within the input voltage range specified for the Yavia (8-25V DC ±10%) and that the polarity of the power supply is correct. Also, make sure that the current capability of the power supply is adequate, otherwise, the system may not start or may shut down unexpectedly. For evaluation purposes, a 12V 2.5A (30W) power supply is recommended.

  •  HDMI, Ethernet, USB keyboard and power supply connected to the Yavia

    HDMI, Ethernet, USB keyboard and power supply connected to the Yavia

Step 3

Screw the Verdin Industrial Heatsink on top of the SoM, using the screws that come with it:

  • Yavia With the Verdin Industrial Heatsink

    Yavia With the Verdin Industrial Heatsink